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Schools and Adoption/Guardianship - resources for teachers and parents

Schools experience unique challenges when working with children who have joined their families through adoption or guardianship. The traumatic events that many of these children experienced create changes in their ability to access learning and to feel safe. Understanding what this can look like in the classroom allows teachers to adjust their teaching and behavior management strategies to become more effective and increase children's engagement in learning.

Parents often struggle to explain to school staff how to adjust their strategies so that they can be more effective with their child. Having your local post permanency provider at the table for school meetings can be supportive - all you need to do is reach out and request a consult or engage in monthly home visiting supports.

AND, You may want to encourage the school staff to participate in a Creating an Adoption/Guardianship Sensitive School training.

Creating an Adoption/Guardianship Sensitive School trainings can be scheduled by emailing vtadoption@vermont.gov - these 2 hour trainings are free and provided directly to the school and can include the entire staff or a smaller group such as just guidance counselors or school nurses. A flyer that can be shared is available here.

Resources that can be downloaded and shared:

What Teachers Should Know about Adoption - Quality Improvement Center for Adoption and Guardianship

A Guide for Teachers, Counselors, and other Professionals Working with School-aged Children and Youth - American Academy of Pediatrics, Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, and Jockey Being Family

Tackling Tricky Assignments - Adoptive Families Magazine (they have lots of other resources too. It's a digital magazine and the yearly subscription is very affordable)

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